Friday, 18 June 2021

The Vegan Journey of Dharini | Vegan Beings India #037

At the age of 1.5 years, we introduced cow's milk for my son, for which he started showing allergic symptoms despite removing dairy from the diet. Later, I could fix this issue by myself not consuming dairy and that worked since I was still breastfeeding him. I breastfed my son for 2.5 years on a vegan diet. 

I chose to be a vegetarian from childhood for compassion reasons. My vegan friend Divya Anandan inspired me to go Vegan from Vegetarian. 

In October 2017, initially, I went vegan to regain my health after postpartum exhaustion and fatigue symptoms. I reaped enough benefits from following a vegan diet and felt positive and determined to embrace a vegan lifestyle as well. I care about the environment and I could make a huge difference by going dairy-free and not using animal products/products tested on animals.

My very first step for going vegan was about going dairy-free. I had a strong emotional attachment with curd and coffee. I grew up eating curd rice all my life and coffee was my saviour, surviving through emotional roller coasters. Letting go of dairy wasn't just a change in diet but also was a spiritual evolution of letting go of things that don't serve me anything good. I followed a strict juicing routine, salads, smoothies, and steamed foods made to shed unwanted fat, with much less physical activity. I started regaining my health postpartum. Going vegan was a life-changing experience that made me embrace a humble lifestyle and stay positive, grounded, and as a human.

We tend to force ourselves with the conditioned practices without batting an eye on visible issues since we have been programmed that way by sticking to traditional practices.

Going Vegan made me question the existing truths of mine.

Going Vegan made me think compassionately.

Going Vegan made me embrace a humble living by mindful consumption.

Going Vegan made me consume processed foods to the minimum.

Going Vegan made me shed unwanted fat.

Going Vegan made me follow sustainable fashion.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step and going vegan starts with a determination more than perfection. It is not just having compassion for animals but also for yourself.

I could never go vegan, said every vegan. If you fear not achieving the goal of going Vegan, start with baby steps: meat-free/seafood free▶️ Egg free▶️Dairy/honey-free.

✅Be kind to yourself.

✅Trust your journey.

✅Celebrate small wins.

✅ See the bigger picture.

✅Believe in the purpose.

✅Your effort matters.

I have felt the best of my health after going Vegan.

I am more positive in and out after I went Vegan.

I make my vegan milks and curds, I tweak traditional recipes that aren't Vegan. Veganism made me creative, turning me into a recipe developer.

Vanakkam! I'm Dharini from Madurai,Tamil Nadu. 

I'm a trained graduate teacher and a food Instagrammer. I am passionate about cooking, art, crafts, music, and poetry. I share my daily routine and food stories on Instagram. I believe that I can make a difference in lives in small ways that I can. I write about carrying out a simple vegan lifestyle and what it takes to be a full-time homemaker.

I would love to thank all my vegan friends who are my soul family, they backed me up all the time supporting me through the struggles of the journey. The vegan friends and followers cheer me up with positivity and hope which keeps me going.

Location: Madurai, Tamil Nadu, India