I was always concerned about the cruel treatment meted out to other non-human animals. On my own, I had become a vegetarian from being a meat-eater, about five years ago. But I was not very happy about it because I thought that avoiding meat did not eliminate cruelty one bit. This happened a few times earlier too. I would become a vegetarian and then would revert. I was always researching humane ways to kill an animal, like maybe under anaesthesia? Anyways, I decided to stop eating meat five years ago. Eggs were on and off. Funnily, silk, leather, and honey were off for nearly two decades.
Then I came across this youtube post by Arvind Animal Activist. That made me go vegan and also become a vegan online activist overnight. Earlier, I used to write about the environment though my mind was on animal rights. I was always concerned about peer reaction and social stigma if I talked about animals and their rights. Then Arvind's video gave me clarity of mind. I realised that others like me were there. I am always grateful to social media for this support
After turning vegan, I got many negative reactions from friends and relatives. Some took it positively too. But as far as I am concerned this is one of the best decisions I took. I wish I had done it earlier.
Being an activist, I have printed pamphlets explaining cruelty to animals, and how to avoid this. Nowadays, I take them every time I step out of the house, talk for a minute or two to anyone whom I meet, and give it to them. I request them to read it and think about the content. I aim to make people think because our attitude towards animals is the basic reason for this callous behaviour. Once we stop seeing animals as commodities, the cruelty will change.
Most of us humans like to be just and fair in our dealings with others. So why are we not so towards animals? It is an age-old conditioning, and it remains on us to think about this. We need to accept the truth that they are just like us in all that matters. They have all the emotions of love, affection, mother-child bond, and grief on separation. Whenever we kill an animal or bird, it is not much different from killing a human being.
Hello everyone! I’m Selvi Selvakumar. I’m an ophthalmologist who took early retirement chiefly to voice for animal rights. I love watching movies and reading books in my free time. I turned vegan in September 2020. Whenever I went out for street outreach people have always listened to me which was surprising. Then I realised that it could be because I am a senior citizen and a doctor.